
Monday, October 17, 2011

Transfer to Setubal

I love singing this song as we walk the streets. I find happiness in singing hyms of zion.
Well, sorry i didn´t write last week... transfers happened and guess what...  I was TRANSFERED!!!! 
I am no longer in Porto, but i came back to the south! I am in Setúbal in a really really really great ward!
I recevied the call monday morning, and was told to get to setúbal as fast as i could. so i quickly packed my bags ( i traded one of my suitcases with irma fontes, gave her the bigger one and took the smaller one) and i got back on the bus for my 4th trip seeing the countryside of portugal back down to the south. But i am not training this transfer. Oh, but i am ´greenie breaking´ I am with Irmã Brown who started last transfer with irmã fontes. she is from logan, utah, she reminds me a lot of sarah leavitt so it is so great!!  She has so much love for the people and i am really excited to be wroking with her. THis ward is full of youth!!!  i don´t even know how many but there are sooo many youth! We just had stake conference yesterday, which i´ll write about in a second, but i am back in the stake that Almada is in!!!!  I saw some of the ward member from almada and i really searched to find Mario Barata from my first area, but didn´t find him. It was so cool to see the members and hear how they are doing!!! 
Okay about last week in Porto... we had a zone meeting on Tuesday and we talked about miracles!  Miracles really are happening every day!! I have seen so many miracles in Porto!  Including what happened after our zone meeting... We went home to pray about who was ready to be baptized that weekend.  We felt this lady Maria de Lourdes, with whom Irma Perkins had worked a lot last transfer, she was almost baptized, but then she changed her mind. We had passed by a few times during the transfer, but never wroked out.  So, we prepared then went to her house and invited her to be baptized, and she accepted!!!  Her son was baptized 30 years ago, and has since died because of involvement in drugs.  She has had a really sad life, her son who lives with her has a psychological sickness, anyway, she has known for a long time that she needs to be baptized, but just couldn´t see the light or make the decision. But she did this last week!  And we passed by with members who bore powerful testimony, great miracles! then she was baptized on saturday and received the holy ghost on sunday!  She was really so happy about finally making this decision!!!  Miracles really happen when you believe! Heavenly Father guided our every step. He helped us have the faith necessary to help this daughter of His find the right path and find salvation!!!
When i was transferred, it was a huge shock, i wasn´t expecting that at all, but the lord has a plan for me here in setubal. This is a really great ward who loves working with the missionaries. we have two elders in our ward too.  At stake conference president torgan spoke and bore powerful testimony that this is the church of jesus christ, and he talked also about the power of the love of the atonement of jesus christ.  there is only one way to find salvation, and it is through baptism. 
Irmã Torgan talked a lot about desire, and how this influences our families. when we have the desire to have a familia eterna, we will do all we can to make it happen. 
It is through desires that determine decisions that determine actions.  When we believe in Christ, we will act as He would act!!  
Yesterday Irma Brown were on our way to visit someone, when we saw about 15 boys playing futbol.  as we walked passed, a couple of them started asking is we wanted to play, we kind of laughed and said maybe next time. then about two minutes later, irma brown said should we go back? they all have families that we could teach!! we were really indecisive (pois) then she said jesus would talk to them! so we went back, and started to talk to them. they were kinda joking around, and em fim we said we probably shouldn´t play in skirts, but we invited them to an activity we are having at the capela this week, and also gave one of them our address of the capela (ita a small area and everyone knows wher ethe capela is)  we are gonna pass by one of the kid´s house this week too!  This just reminded me the little miracles that god has in store!
have a great week!!!
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