
Wednesday, April 13, 2011


BOM DIA!!!!!
Eu amo vocês!!!!! Obrigada por tudo que vocês fazem para ajudar-me!!! O evangelho de Jesus Cristo está aqui na terra! o Livro de Mórmon contém a palavra de Deus!
This week was like a rollar coaster!! I remeber before my mission so many people said a mission has the highest highs and the loewst lows. Bem vindo!! É verdade!! :)
So, about the woman Maria José who was baptized last saturday... she kinda went crazy... we still don´t really know why or how it happened but she basically doesn´t want anything to do with the church anymore... we went to her house with her daughter Rute, and she didn´t even want to talk to her. Well, we will keep praying fo rher, but there is no more that we can do.
On the other hand, the three that were baptized on Sunday received the dom do Espirito Santo yesterday and they were all happy! :)
There is one more photo with Mario!!!
Remember Mario, from a while ago?? We have been teaching him since before i arived in Portugal, and it has been a rollar coaster with him alone, but you know how at the end of the rollar coaster you enjoyed the ride and want to go again... well, he was baptized!!!!!!! And that feeling is way better than the simple satisfaction of reaching the end of a ride. Seriously, the baptism of Mario was INCREDIBLE!!! And even more, it was the frist baptism where tudo correu bem (everything went well) basically stress free! Oh, except for the part that he has cysts on his foot and was having them cut off this week, so we had to plastic wrap his foot then tape it (too bad we didnt have duct tape :) ) but after we wrapped it, it worked out!!! YAY!!!!
That was our miraslce of the week. It all started with a blessing that Mario received a while back. He has a lot of problems with health, and we told him that he could receive a blessing, and he accepted. Yesterday in church, he bore his testimony about how that blessing was one of the reasons that he chose to be baptized. He said that he didn´´t see any change in his health at all as a result of the blessing. But, he did notice that he became more patient as a result. Warly on when we taught him, he made comments about how he is not a patient person. But when he shared this, he said he realized that only through the power of God, or the priesthood, could God bless him with the gift of patience. He is an incredible man, so humble, and he really was searching for the truth for a long time and he has found it. His example of searching out for the truth, is incredible! Also, when we asked him if he wanted to invite anyone, he said only his daughter, but that she would probably not come, beacuse she is active in another religion. We gave her info to the elders who work in the area of the church, which is where she lives, (right in front of the church) but they didnt get a hold of her. But, as we were taking pictures right before the baptism, she and her son showed up!!! It was so neat to see the face of Mario in taht moment! it meant a lot to him for her to be there to show support! It was so amazing!!!!!
That was definitely the highlight of the week!
Sunday was so great because we had three people receive the Holy Ghost, and two babies were blessed! It was so sweet!! :)
Yay! I love being a missionary! Things liek this make it all worth it!
This transfer is flying by super super rapido! I am learning so much, and a huge thing i am learning is humility, and trust in the Lord! It is a challenge every day, but i am so grateful to be here!
i love you all! Remember who you are!
Good luck with finals soon!!
Irmã Michael

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