
Monday, June 20, 2011

This week has been amazing

This week has been amazing! I am feeled with love for the people of Portugal!! I know Heavenly Father loves the people here in Portugal, and I can feel of His love. This is the work of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The basic principles of the gospel are the same for all people.
There are so many little miracles that remind me of the Lord´s hand in all things. For example, this week, we crosed paths with several people with whom we have talked in the past, and again were able to have contact. There is this older couple that live in our area whose son is a member living in Belgium wiht his family, and Irma Graf and i tried a few times to contact, but didnt work out. THen last sunday night we were walking home, and decided to go a different way, and suddenly this man and woman passed us and said something that made us turn around. It turns out that it´s this couple!!!! It was such a smally thing but an incredible reminder for me that Heavenyl Father is always guiding our path!! We talked with them a few minutes then set up an appt with them to go back. When we visited their home, i felt a presence of love, and as she showed us pictures of her netos (grandkids) i had the impression strongly that this couple will one day be members! We then watched Juntos para sempre, just two clips and at the end i started crying because really this is what it´s all about!! The gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives. After the film ended, i felt the impression to testify simply that Jesus Cristo é nosso Salvador, que Ele vive, e por causa do amor que Ele tem para nos, nossas familias poderão ser eternas. I am so grateful for the witness of teh Holy Ghost into our hearts that this is the church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Many people ask us what is the difference between this church and any other church. And really, it is the authority of God that makes it possible for our families to be eternal. Because of the faith of one boy, Joseph Smith, to search for the truth, and becasue the circumstances were right, the fulneww of the gospel has been restored to the earth. just like all the other prophets who preached the same gospel. We are so blessed to live in these latter days. I am so grateful to be serving the people here in Portugal!
This week we´re having a zone conference in Miratejo, where i had church in Almada! I am sure we´ll be talking aobut how the missions will be joining really really soon.
I love the Lord, I love you all. This is His work. We are all part of His plan to be instruments in the Hands of the Lord to invite others to participate in the sweet sweet work!
com amor,
Irmã Michael

Mosiah 2:41

1 comment:

  1. Precious.... I remember the day when I felt that love for the people I was teaching. It took me a little time because I felt so frustrated for the language, but then it just engulfed me and actually took my breath away. I am so happy for her and so thankful for her wonderful work!! Hurrah for Israel! :)
