
Monday, December 5, 2011


Mundo Feliz nasceu Jesus! To start i want to share something that Douglas Silva wrote in my planner yesterday when we were at he house for dinner. We had finished eating and for some reason i had my planner on the table. I have a quote inside the front page that is from an article i read last week called "that we might have joy" that i really identified with. It talks about how we find true joy and happiness when we obey Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They are the ones who have given us our lives! The quote says something like..."We can feel joy thanks to our understanding of the Atonement of the Savior.... Our situations and circumstances don´t have a lasting impact to feel joy. In reality, true happiness comes through obedience to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ and our belief in them, that They gave us this life and the future life so that we can have joy." I roughly translated it just now... anyway, so i told Douglas that the thing i least understand is the atonement of Jesus Christ. it is like my question of my mission. He then took my planner and wrote in the back: When we understand to love of the atonement, we are changed in a natural form as well as a spiritual form. This happens when we do our very best every minute of our lives. Therefore, perfect comprehension of the atonement comes when we are in the presence of God." I pondered on this a bit, and last night i was talking with Irmã Walker about how it all works. Honestly, i don´t understand many things and i feel like during my whole mission up until now, that i won´t ever understand everything that i want to, but isn't´t that really what it is all about. Learning a bit more each day, changing a little each and every day, falling down, but getting back up and moving forward, until we come into the presence of God and face to face tell him all that we have done in our lives. many times i look at what i have been doing with the name of Jesus Christ on my badge each day. Sometimes, often i feel like i haven´t done enough, almost always i feel like i haven´t done enough. But, still He has called me to do this work. I am here to be His hands. I have been learning a lot from our bishopric here in Setubal. They each strive to speak with the power of the holy ghost. this is God´s work that we are here to do. His children need salvation. There is one door that opens the gates to salvation, baptism. And it is just the first step. This week, we worked a lot with 2 girls Daniela and Ana Catarina (12 years old) they both are excited to learn more. Daniela´s brother and sister are already members. she wants to know and feel, but for some reason she has fear. her step mom goes to a baptist church and she is having a hard time making a choice to leave there. Ana is her friend and she wants to learn more. she has already felt that this is the true church, but she has a hard time making a decision on her own. she is kind of waiting for Daniela... we´ll see how it goes! Please pray for them, they need the angels to help them have courage to make the leap! Hope to hear from Jacob soon. i love you all! It is December! spread the joy of the restored gospel! This is the greatest gift we can give! com amor, Irma Michael

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