
Monday, July 25, 2011


Well, i think last week´s letter was a little panicy, because that is how I was feeling until thursday when my new companion arrived. Heavenly Father really prepared me, and by the time Irmã Young arrived, I felt calm and that everything will work out.
Now we have been together 5 days and i am even more certain that this is the will of the Lord that we serve together. It is challenging at times because now I have lots of responsability on my shoulders, but i am already learning a lot and will continue to learn as the transfer continues. Thank you for your advice and love and prayers.
Here is kind of how this past week went:
Monday, Irmã Speigle left, and I went with Irmã Joslin (who reminds me lots of Josephine!!) to Odivelas, she also is training. We taught the brother of two girls who were baptized last sunday. Then tuesday afternoon we came back to Linda-A-Velha to stay the night here, and Irmã de Almeida joined us, who will be training a new irma in the Azores, oh and they are white washing too!! We stayed in Linda-A-Velha tuesday night did some proselyting, then wednesday afternoon we went back to Odivelas. It was so great being together, i think i was freaking out more than them both, they are near the end of their missions, and one of them has trained before. I kept asking questions and mom i am sure i just had that deer in the headlights look for like three days straight! Thursday morning we got up and went to the office to meet our "daughters"! And we had a training meeting with them and the assistents, and President and Irmã Torgan. It was really crazy being there in the position of trainer because i still feel like i arrived here in Portugal yesterday! And I kept asking myself why is it that God called me to do this??? Then, we separated, and we as trainers went to President´s office to have a little training for the trainers. There are 3 irmãs training and one elder, Elder Ribeiro, who is in my zone. President Torgan told us that the most important calling in the mission is a trainer, and that we have a great responsibility to be an example for the new missionaries. I just feel like this is God´s will but still don´t understand why. It´s interesting because ever since i got in the mission, other missionaries kept saying that i would train, but i was always super super scared about it. but when Irmã Torgan called me, i felt that it was my time to do this. And now i am here! I really love President and Irma Torgan, they have a great love for the people here and they know what they are doing.
Looking back on this first week with Irmã Young, i feel like i have made a lot o fmistakes but like russell said, it is in the times of struggle that we learn the most. Irmã Young already is doin so well with the language. She has such a good attitude about it and is already picking up on the idea of what people are saying. In our first days together, we have been contacting everybody in the street, and Irmã Young has said lots of prayers with people! We had a great lesson with Sidney who is full of fire and he just wants so bad to be a missionary! Last night he came with us and we contacted a couple people in the street.
Each time we contact people, i realize how much happiness is within the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that this transfer will be a challenge, but i am already learning so much, basically going back to the basics of the gospel principles and how they are the most important things we teach.
About that family that went to church last week... we tried contacting them all week long, and finally visited. We taught the dad, Fernando the restauração and invited him to read and pray about it. he said he would, then we returned later to teach Joaquim, and help him prepare to be baptized on suday. But the parents are always working so its hard to find them at home. We returned saturday and taught joaquim and Zizi the mandamentos but it was kind of crazy, with the energy that the kids have, but we did our best, then we returned again later to talk with the mom about the baptism opf Joaquim. She said that he will not be baptized right now, because he doesnt know how to make his own decisions. we tried talking more with her, but she didn´t want to hear more... she has a really crazy work schedule, always working. Basically, it is interesting looking at this family from this perspective because we can see where their potential is, but they don´t yet see it. We are here to help them see it, but they have to want it too. I am learning that it is so important that the people feel the spirit in every lesson, otherwise they won´t recognize the difference of the true church!! ( i know this is something i already should have recognized, but i´m learning step by step...)
After this lesson, we had another Sardinhada at the capela, but first they showed the film the testaments, and after bispo had us share our testimonies. The family Amojo was there and watched the film with the ward members, - this family is another family that had so much potential but somethign is holding them back from letting us work with them. they dont ever want to set up an appt with us!! Anyway, as I bared my testimony of the film, i felt so powerfully the individual lvoe that the Savior has for each onf of us. i really love the part in 3 Nefi 11:14-17 where Christ invited each person to individually come unto Him and feel His Hands. This why the Savior suffered, so taht each of us could come unto Him. Our theme in the mission is 3 Nefi 18;24-25, and it is our responsibility to bring the light of the Savior into the lives of everyone we meet. Something that Irmã Young shared with me our first day is that she is noticing the light of Christ in the eyes of everyone we meet. Wow! She really is helping me see the simple things that matter most. Really like a child, she is so humble and really focused on the most important things. This is why i am traning, because HEavenly Father wants to teach me to be humble like a child, and really be sincere in everything that I do. I am feeling more and more each day the love of the Savior in this work.
I think i am finally beginning to understand why i am here on a mission. I always wanted to serve, and that is why i am here, but i am not here for me, but i am here for the people here in Portugal. There are people waiting for us to find them, and bring the light of the gospel into their lives.
Thank you for your love and prayers. I am here because this gospel is true. The Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died, and was resurrected so that we can find eternal happiness. That is what it is all about!!!
The Book of Mormon is powerful and contains answers to our prayers, and questions of our soul. Joseph Smith really did see God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, and all of the blessings that I experience are becasue of the restored truth on the earth. Everything started with a humble prayer of a humble boy.
I love you all!! Have a great day!!! Be Happy!! Happiness is a choice!

Irmã Michael

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this. It just brought back so many memories. She's doing so well and it's just awesome to hear about the work so far away. And I love reading her portugese because I can actually understand some of it. AWESOME!

    (PS she looks BEAUTIFUL!! in that picture!)
