Holy Cow!! That is so awesome about Krissy!! Send her my love! I am super excited for her!!!!!!!!(Redeemer of Israel) It´s been stuck in my head for two weeks now! I love that song!
I am here in Linda-A-Velha with Irmã Speigle!!! She is incredible! And we have had a SUPER amazing week!! First, before she arrived from the Azores, (she was serving with Irmã Greco, minha mãe!!) Irmã Reis stayed the night with me after Irma Graf left Monday afternoon. This was absolutely awesome! It was so great to talk with her again and reflect on the incredible transfer we had together! She is now serving with Irma Greco in the Aores! Irma Reis is an inspiration to me and so is Irma graf and Irma Speigle and Irma Greco!
Let me just say this week was full of miracles!!! Irmã Speigle has not spoken english since she arrived in Portugal, and she is in her last transfer. This is so awesome because I feel comfortable with the language and it has not been a problem at all to make the transition to only speaking Portugese!!!! Also, she literally talks with the whole world!! It is so amazing!
We found some really amazing people this week, and almost all of them are family of members in our ward. I am gaining a testimony of the importance of working with the members, and miracles happen!!
So a quick sum of this week´s miracles...
WE contacted a girl on the autocarro, it was quick, but we received her phone number and said we´d call. Then we set up an appt with her, and finally met with her. It was so amazing! She is 18, and has 5 months here in Portugal. She is from Angola, and basically is going through lot's of changes right now. She left her family in Angola and is living with aunt and uncle. We talked for just a few minutes but basically shared that she is so confused as to why there are so many churches when God is só um! She cried, and I started crying and we said a prayer with her and she said she wanted to come to church with us, so we said we would pick her up. (this happened saturday night) She came to church and really liked it!
We have been working a lot with a Rapaz, whose family are basically all members, he just hasn't been baptized yet. Most of the family is inactive, but the mom, Maria has such a strong testimony of the gospel and she is an awesome missionary and shares with everyone!! We invited Ricardo to be baptized this Sunday (yesterday) and he accepted, this was early in the week, so we had appts marked with him, but was difficult to find him in house. So, finally we met with him on Saturday morning. He had been sleeping, but finally it worked to teach him of the importance of the Atonement and how baptism is a remission of sin, and a new beginning. He is excited about baptism, but still has some problems with the palavra de sabedoria so he didnt pass his interview, but we will keep working with him and his family.
I am starting to gain a testimony of the importance of including the members in the trabalho missionario. So many of the members of our ward have family members who are not yet members and i feel strongly we need to work with them.
Also, we had this awesome lesson with a family, the mom is from Brasil and the dad is from Nigeria-they met in Brasil then moved here with their 2 young daughters. They are going to be awesome leaders in the church one day!! We brought a member wiht us to the lesson who is from Brasil, and he bore powerful testimony of the plan that God has for each of us. It is so amazing to see the Hand of the Lord in everything that we do. Each day this week, I have felt so blessed to see how the Lord is preparing the people and some are ready now to accept the gospel while others, it takes more time.
Thank you all so much for your love and support. I am excited to hear about the news with those who are deciding to serve missions. It is the greatest experience of my life! There are sooo many times when it is too difficult to express in words how to describe it.
I love the people here in Portugal. this is the greatest place for me to be serving. There are so many people suffering her, because of the things happening, and many are looking to find God. I am here to invite others to come unto Christ.
Remember the lesson we had last week wiht the chinese young adult? well, we met with him yesterday again and he prayed for the first time! in chinese of course. But he said after that, he feels like God really can save him.
God lives. He is our Father in Heaven. Jesus Christ is our Savior and I am so grateful to be part of His work here. The Book of Mormon was written by Prophets for us in these days.
I love you all!
Estou grata a servir!!
Amo voces!!!
Irm♥ Hillary
PS thank you so much for the happy verses! I feel so much happier now! I will explain in another email!